Adidas Originals Bryony Recycled Trainers

Adidas Originals Bryony Recycled Trainers are the perfect sports shoes for those who are on the lookout for sustainable and eco-friendly footwear. These trainers have a flat heel with a height of 2cm/1″ and come with a lace-up fastening making them a perfect fit for your feet.

The uppers of Bryony trainers are made from 100% synthetic material, complete with a lining and cushioning both made from 100% textile material. The sole of the trainers is made from 100% rubber ensuring maximum grip and comfort while you exercise.

What makes these trainers truly exceptional is that they are a part of Adidas Originals’ responsible product line. These trainers are made from recycled polyester which is great for the environment. By recycling polyester, there are fewer raw materials used, which means that fewer resources are needed. Additionally, this helps to reduce waste as this waste can then be converted into new resources in a truly authentic virtuous circle.

In summary, the Adidas Originals Bryony Recycled Trainers are an excellent choice for those who want to look good while also being mindful of the planet. These trainers are perfect for sports enthusiasts and those who love to remain active in their daily lives.

Added to site: 6th March 2023. Last updated: 24th May 2023

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